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Zhan, Rong

Assistant Professor

Department of Production and Operations Management and Logistics

Research Interests:
Demand Forecasting, Data Mining on Operations Management, Service Management, Teaching research, etc.
Email: rongz@sina.com


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2008.

  M.E. (Majored in Computer Software), HUST, 1997.

  B.E. (Majored in Computer Software), HBU, 1994.

  Overseas Visiting and Training


  Courses Taught

  ERP Experiment, ERP Sand Table Simulation, Business Ethics, Operations Management

  Industrial Experiences

  Participator, research and development on information system and decision support system, Hydropower Trade and Telecom Industry

  Research Interests

  Demand Forecasting, Data Mining on Operations Management, Service Management, Teaching research, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1)Zhan Rong, Chen Rongqiu, Model for operations management of reverse logistics, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2005, Vol. 33, No. 10, 115-117.(EI) (in Chinese)

  2)Zhan Rong, Chen Rongqiu, Xie Xia, et al, A case-based reasoning system for individual demand forecasting, 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2008, p 4680936 (EI)

  3)Zhan Rong, Chen Rongqiu, Research on Individual Demand Forecasting Based on Clustering, EBM 2010: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1-8, 5615-5618 (ISTP)