HUST has three libraries with a total area of 53,000 square metres and a total book collection of about 5,790,000 volumes including: 4,720,000 volumes of common books, 1,020,000 volumes of e-books, 40,000 units of audio-visual materials, 308 network databases, 20,000 kinds of full-text electronic journals, which cover the nine main subject areas including science, engineering, arts, management, medicine, etc. Of these resources, managerial books amount to 226,625 volumes, journals 24,616 volumes, audio-visual materials 3608 units and 35 databases.
The “Anheuser-Busch Library” of the School is a professional library specializing in economics and management which was founded with a $300,000 donation from the American Anheuser-Busch Company in July, 2002. It has a total area of 662 square metres, 120 reading seats, with a comfortable environment and magnificent book collection. This includes 22,930 volumes of managerial books, 7157 volumes of master and PhD degree dissertations, 116 journals (7628 volumes) including 24 top English journals on economics and management, and 1,246 CDs/ DVDs. The library also has access to 35 databases on business and management such as Emerald, Academic Search Premier (ASP)JSTOR, Business Source Premier (BSP), CUP(Cambridge University Press),Elsevier (Science Direct On Site, SDOL),SSCI/SSCI, ABI/INFORM, EBSCO and ProQuest, etc. The library is close to the Case-Study Centre where teachers and students can inquire and refer to the managerial-cases database.
Release date:2015-05-01