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Zhang Jing


Department of Business Administration

Research Interests:
Industrial marketing; social marketing; branding marekting;Marketing strategy; market orientation
Email: jingzhang@mail.hust.edu.cn




  Post Doctor (Majored in Theoretical Economics), HUST, 2008


  Ph.D.(Majored in Enterprise Management), HUST, 2005.


  M.E. (Majored in Western Economics), HUST, 1998.


  B.E. (Majored in International Trade), HUST, 1995.


  Overseas Visiting and Training


  Visiting Scholar, Rotman Management School, Toronto University, 2006-2007.


  Courses Taught


  《Marketing Management》、《Market Research》、《Social Research Methodology》、《International Trade》、《Customer Analysis and Market Research》


  Research Interests


  Marketing management, branding management, B2B marketing, marketing research


  Representative Research Papers


  [1] Building industrial brand equity by leveraging firm capabilities and co-creating value with customers. Industrial Marketing Management, 2015, 51: 47–58(SSCI)


  [2] How brand orientation impacts B2B service brand equity? An empirical study among Chinese firms. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2016, 31/1 (SSCI)


  [3]The impact of different types of market orientation on product innovation performance: Evidence from Chinese manufacturers.Management Decision,2010, 48(6):849-867.(SSCI)ESI highly cited papers


  [4] Network Gatekeeping in SME Exporters’ Market Entry in China. International Marketing Review, accpeted (SSCI)


  [5] Zhang Jing, Duan Yanling, An empirical study of the impact of market orientation ambidexterity upon the product innovation performance among manufacturing firms, Management Worlds, 2010, 12 (in Chinese).

othe publications:


[ZhnZhang Jing, Yong He. Key Dimensions of Brand Value Co-creation and Its Impacts upon Customer Perception and Brand Performance: An Empirical Research in the Context of Industrial Services. Nankai Business Review International, 2014.5(1):43-69.


[7] Zhang Jing, Duan YanlingEmpirical study on the impact of market orientation and innovation orientation on new product performance of Chinese manufacturers. Nankai Business Review International20101(2):214-231. (Year Best Paper)


[8] Zhang Jing, Jiang Y, Zhu M. Perceived environmental turbulence, strategic orientations and new product success: A comparative study of SMEs and large manufacturing exporters. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 2015. 12(1): 43-54.


[9] Zhang Jing, Zhu M.Market orientation, product innovation and export performance: evidence from Chinese manufacturers. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2015: 1-21.


[10] Zhang Jing, Pitsaphol, C.,& Shabbir, R. The Influence of Brand awareness, Brand image and Perceivec quality on Brand loyalty: A Case Study of OPPO Brand in THAILAND, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2014, Vol.5, No.12, p.10-21.


[11] Zhang Jing, Pitsaphol, C.,& Shabbir, R. The Relationship of Brand Equity Dimensions: A Case Study of Samsung Brand in Thailand, European Journal of Business and Management,2014, Vol.6, No.16, p.182-189.


[12] Zhang Jing, Pitsaphol, C.,& Shabbir, R. The Association of Brand Equity Dimension and Market Share: A Case Study of Smartphone in Thailand, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2014,Vol.5, No.21, p.100-106.


[13] Zhang Jing, Jiang, Y., Shabbir, R., & Duan, Y. How perceived institutional pressures impact market orientation: an empirical study of Chinese manufacturing firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2015, 27(2): 267-293 .


[14] Zhang Jing, Shabbir, R., Pitsaphol, C., & Hassan, W. Creating Brand Equity by Leveraging Value Creation and Consumer Commitment in Online Brand Communities: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Business and Management, 2015, 10(1), 80 - 91.


[15] Zhang Jing, Shabbir, R., & Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, A. Role of Social Media in Pre-purchase Consumer Information Search: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015, 6(1), 11-22.


[16] Zhang Jing, Shabbir, R., Pitsaphol, C., & Hassan, W. Managing Consumer Commitment through Online Brand Communities: Empirical Evidence from China. European Scientific Journal, 2015, 11(1), 138-154


[17] Shabbir, R., Zhang Jing, Pitsaphol, C., & Hassan, W. The Dynamics of Value Creation in Online Brand Communities: Strategy Map Approach. Information Management and Business Review, 2015, 7 (1), 48-58


[18] Ali Khalaf, Zhang Jing, & Ahmed GhanimZghairAlbazooni. Mobile Crowdsourcing: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational Factors Influencing Online Communities in China. Journal of Marketing Development & Competitiveness, 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1. Pp. 129-145.


[19] Ali Khalaf, Zhang Jing, & Ahmed GhanimZghairAlbazooni. Customer-supplier interactions in crowdsourcing practices: customer participation on creating and sharing of new product value. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2015, Mar-2015 Vol-4, Issue 3, pp. 11-23.


[20] Ali Khalaf, Zhang Jing., & Ahmed GhanimZghairAlbazooni. Crowdsourcing in User-Generated Content Communities: Impact of Online Networks on Perception and Intended Behaviors of Crowd Engagement. International Journal of Business Administration, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 3: pp. 25-38.


[21] Ali Khalaf & Zhang Jing. Crowdsourcing and Digital Communities in Chinese Context: Antecedents of Contribution. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2015, Vol-6, No. 9, pp. 155-167.


[22] Ali Khalaf , & Zhang Jing. Crowdsourcing and e-commerce: Chinese online reviews. Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies. Accepted


[23] Wijesinghe T C, Zhang Jing. Location Based Marketing: A Promising Marketing in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2015. 7(5): 88-93.