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Zhang, Kezhong


Department of Public Finance and Management

Research Interests:
Managerial Economics, Corporate Competitive Strategy , Corporate Governance , etc.
Phone: +86-27-87558139
Email: zkzdr@mail.hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Economics), Wuhan University, 2003.

  M.A. (Majored in Economics), Wuhan University, 2000.

  B.E. (Majored in Mathmatics), Huanggang Normal School, 1993.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Educational Learning Program, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May, 2010.

  Courses Taught

  Managerial Economics, The Policy of Macroeconomics,Tax, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  Research Fellow, Wuhan Securities Co., Ltd.(200-2003).

  Research Fellow, Hubei Administration of Foreign Exchange(2005-2008).

  Research Interests

  Managerial Economics, Corporate Competitive Strategy , Corporate Governance , etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1)Local Officials and Composition of Government Expenditure: Evidence from Replacement of Provincial Leaders in China, 2010(forthcoming), ( with Juncheng, F., Haorui ) Annals of economics and finance(SSCI)

  2)Inflation, Inequality and Pro-poor Growth,Management World,2010,No.5,27-33.(with Feng,J.Ch.)( in Chinese)

  3)Does Fiscal Decentralization Aid for Alleviating Poverty ?Journal of Quantity &Technology Economics,2010,No.12,3-15.(with Feng J.& lu Y.) ( in Chinese)