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Zhang, Pengcheng


Department of Business Management

Research Interests:
Knowledge Management, Innovation, Organization Theory, etc.
Phone: 13995689170
Email: zhangpch@126.com


  Ph. D. in Management Science and Engineering, 2005, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, 2010-2011, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University

  Courses Taught

  Human Resource Management, Performance Appraisal and Management, Employee Relationship and Labor Law, etc.

  Research Grants

  Team Empowerment and its Impact on Employees’ Unethical Behaviors (2011-2012). H&SS Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (#10YJC630386).

  Team Members’ Knowledge Integration Mechanism in Embedded Social Networks’ View. (2007-2009). National Natural Science Foundation of China (#70601012)

  Research Interests

  Knowledge Management, leadership, Team Innovation

  Representative Research Papers

  1) Zhang, P. An empirical study on the mechanism of team knowledge integration from perspectives of media richness and ego-centered tie strength. Science of Science. 2010, vol, 6

  2) Zhang, P. Peng, H. (forthcoming). An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Scientific Cooperative Networks’ Characteristics and Teams’ Knowledge Creation. Science Research Management.

  3) Zhang, P, et al. A new evolution process model of organization’s core rigidities: in perspective of CAS. Chinese Industrial Economy, 2006, vol 5