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Zhao, Ling

Associate Professor

Department of Management Science and Information Management

Research Interests:
User behaviors in virtual communities; Privacy related issues in emerging social media;
Email: lingzhao@mail.hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2011.

  M.E. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2007.

  B.E. (Majored in Information Management and Information System), HNU, 2005.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  2011.6-2011.11 Research Assistant, City University of Hong Kong, Department of Information System

  Teaching Experiences

  Project Management

  Industrial Experiences


  Research Interests

  User behaviors in virtual communities; Privacy related issues in emerging social media;

  Information security behavior; Internet inequality, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1)Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu, Sumeet Gupta. Did You “Check in” Today? An Empirical Research on Location Information Disclosure Intention in Location-based Social Networking Service, International Journal of Electronic Commerce (SCI&SSCI, IF:2.165),2012,16(4):63-89.

  2)Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu, Long Zhang, Patrick Y. K. Chau. Assessing the Effects of Service Quality, Justice, Customer Satisfaction on Continuous Intention to Use Mobile Value-added Services: An Empirical Test of a Multidimensional Model. Decision Support Systems (SCI, IF:2.66), 2012, 52(3): 645-656.

  3)Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu, Wayne Huang, Qiuhong Wang. Internet Inequality: The Relationship between High School Students' Internet Use in Different Locations and their Internet Self-efficacy. Computers & Education (SCI&SSCI, IF: 2.868). 2011, 55(4):1405-1423.

  4)Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang, Wayne Huang. What Make Them Happy and Curious Using the Internet? ——An Exploratory Study on High School Students’ Internet Use from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Computers & Education (SCI&SSCI, IF: 2.868). 2011, 56(2): 346-356.

  5)Yaobin Lu, Ling Zhao, Bin Wang. From Virtual Community Members to C2C E-commerce Buyers: Trust in Virtual Communities and its Effect on Consumers’ Purchase Intention. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI, IF: 1.734), 2010, 9(4): 346-360.