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Zheng Hongxia

Associate Professor

Department of Finance and Tax

Research Interests:
Corporate tax plan, Independent audit, Corporate internal control
Phone: +86-27-87551910
Email: zhenghongxia@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Accounting), School of Business, Wuhan University, 2002.

M.E. (Majored in Accounting), School of Business, Wuhan University, 1999.

B.E. (Majored in Audit), School of Business, Wuhan University, 1996.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar, Simen Graduate School of Bussiness and Administration, University of Rochester, USA. Jan. 2007-Feb.2008.

Courses Taught

Tax theory and pratice, Tax planning, Audit, Financial accounting, Financial statement analysis

Industrial Experiences

Certified pubilic valuer of China (2000-)

Certified pubilic accountant of China (2000-)

Expert of valuation of Committee of State assets of Hubei

Expert of valuation of Committee of State assets of Wuhan

Research Interests

Corporate tax plan, Independent audit, Corporate internal control.

Representative Research Papers

1)Tax Planning Analysis Based on Listed Company with different Ownership Structure,China Soft Science, 2008, No.9.( with Han M) (in Chinese)

2)A Study on Stylized Management Control of the Business Enterprise Group, Reform and Strategy, 2008, No.5. (in Chinese)

3)Individual pention plan in USA, China social security, 2008, No.9.( with Han M) (in Chinese).

4)Study on supervising the investment of the annuities, China social security, 2005, No.4.

(with Su Y) (in Chinese)

5) The logos and contradiction between the demand and supply of the accounting information, Journal of finance and accounting, 2004, No.8. (in chinese).