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Department of Production and Operations Management and Logistics

Research Interests:
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Inventory Control, Marketing-Operations Interface
Email: xuhe@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Operations Management), HKUST, 2005.

B.E. (Majored in Automatic Control), HUST, 2000.

Overseas Visiting and Training

PhD study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Aug.2000-Nov. 2005.

Visiting Scholar, U.C. Berkeley, USA, Dec. 2012-Dec. 2013.

Courses Taught

Fundamentals of Logistics Management, Logistics Network Design, Supply Chain Management, Stochastic Processes, etc.

Industrial Experiences

Consulting Activities: China Tobacco Hubei Industrial Corporation, Wuhan Steel Company, etc.

Research Interests

Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Inventory Control, Marketing-Operations Interface

Representative Research Papers

1) Xu He, Zuo Xiaolu, Liu Zhixue. Configuration of flexibility strategies under supply uncertainty, Omega, the International Journal of Management Science, 51(2015),71-82.(SCI)

2) Xu He, Yao Nian, Tong Shilu. Sourcing under cost information asymmetry when facing time-sensitive customers, International Journal of Production Economics, 144 (2013), 599–609. (SCI)  

3) Xu He, Liu Zhenzhen, Zhang Shenghao. A strategic analysis of dual-channel supply chain design with price anddelivery leadtime considerations, International Journal of Production Economics, 139 (2012), 654–663. (SCI)

4) Xu He, Yao, D.D., Zheng Shaohui. Optimal control of replenishment and substitution in an inventory system with nonstationary batch demand, Production and Operations Management, 20 (2011), 727-736.(SCI)

5) Shi Ning, Cheung , K.R., Xu He*, K.K. Lai. An adaptive routing strategy for freight transportation networks, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62 (2011), 799-805. (SCI)

6) Xu He. Managing production and procurement through option contracts in supply chains with random yield, International Journal of Production Economics, 126 (2010) 306–313. (SCI)

7) Xu He, Shi Ning, Ma Shihua, K.K. Lai. Contracting with an urgent supplier under cost information asymmetry, European Journal of Operational Research, 206 (2010), 374-383. (SCI)

8) Li Qing, Xu He and Zheng Shaohui. Periodic review inventory systems with random yield: bounds and heuristics, IIE transactions, 40(2008), 434-444. (SCI)