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XU Xianhao


Department of Operations & Logistics Management

Research Interests:
Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Warehouse Management, Supply Chain Finance, Operations Management, Project Management and etc
Phone: +86-13545159588
Email: xxhao@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science & Engineering, HUST, 2004.

M.E. (Majored in Management Engineering), HUST, 1991.

B.E. (Majored in Electricity Engineering), HUST, 1986.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar, ENSGI,France, Jan. 2003-Jan. 2004.

Senior Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Canada, Otc. 2013-Dec. 2013.

Courses Taught

Operations Management, Project Management, Logistics/Distribution Center Planning & Operations, Logistics Facilities Planning, Warehouse Management, Modern Management Theories, etc.

Industrial Experiences

Management Consultant, Wuhan Dongfeng-Honda Logistics Co., Ltd., 2011-Present.

Director of Project Management,Natural Science Foundations of China (NSFC), 2008-2010.

Consulting Activities: Hubei Tobacco Group, Sino-Petrol Group, Guangdong Electricity Group, China Nuclear Power Group, Fushan Dongjian Construction Group, Sany Group,etc.

Research Interests

Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Warehouse Management, Supply Chain Finance, Operations Management, Project Management and etc.

Representative Research Papers

(1)Xianhao Xu, Tian Liu, Kunpeng Li, Weihong Dong. Evaluating order throughput time with variable time window batching [J]. International Journal of Production Research,2014, (SCI).

(2)Xianhao Xu , Guwen Shen, Yugang Yu,Wei Huang. Travel time analysis for the double-deep dual-shuttle AS/RS [J]. International Journal of Production Research,2015, (SCI).

(3)Tian Liu, Xianhao Xu*, Hu Qin, Andrew Lim.Travel time analysis of the dual command cycle in the split-platform AS/RS with I/O dwell point policy [J]. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal,2015,online. (SCI).

(4)Xu Xianhao, Chen Wen, Liao Liping, Li Lujun. Research on the order policy of short life cycle product based on demand forcasting [J]. Journal of Management Science. 2013,16(4):23-32. (in Chinese).