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Peng, Yixin

Assistant Professor

Department of Technological Management and Intellectual Property

Research Interests:
Science & Technology Policy, Innovation
Phone: +86-27-87556452
Email: yxpeng@mail.hust.edu.cn


  2002, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, PhD in Management Science and Engineering.

  1990, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, M.Phil. in Philosophy of Science and Technology

  1982, Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute, B.E. in Naval Architecture

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Oct. 2004-Oct. 2005 The University of Manchester, UK, Visiting Scholar.

  Feb. 2006-Jan. 2007 The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Visiting Scholar.

  Courses Taught

  Management, Organizational Behavior, Philosophy of Science and Technology

  Industrial Experiences

  Aug. 1982-Aug. 1987 Huangpu Shipyard, Guangzhou, CSSC Company

  Research Interests

  Science & Technology Policy, Innovation

  Selected Research Papers

  1. Peng Yixin, Research universities in innovation at national and regional levels: the Case of China, the 7th International Biennial Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkage, 17-19 June 2009, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

  2.Peng Yixin, The impact of public policy on the national innovation system, Science and Technology Progress and Policy (in Chinese), 2009, 26(7), 94-97

  3.Peng Yixin, The Trends of international R&D and the evolution of US technological policy, Science and Technology Management Research (in Chinese), 2008, 28(3), 73-75

  4. Peng Yixin, ZOU Shangang, From research to entrepreneurship: the evolution of the university functions, Studies in Dialectics of Nature (in Chinese), 2003,(4), 44~48

  5. Peng Yixin, ZOU Shangang, Evaluation of the Methods in Research of Innovation System, Studies in Dialectics of Nature (in Chinese), 2002,(6),74~77