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Li Kunpeng

Associate Professor

Department of Logistics Management

Research Interests:
Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management
Phone: +86-27-87541910
Email: likp@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Operations Research Application in Supply Chain Systems), NTU, 2001.

B.E. (Majored in Mechanical Engineering), CCNU, 1987.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Singapore-MIT Alliance, April. 2009-April. 2010.

Courses Taught

Supply Chain Management, Modeling and Simulation for Logistics Systems, Advanced Techniques for Planning and Operations Management

Industrial Experiences

Consulting Activities: Hubei Zhong Yan Co., Ltd., Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Yangtze Electric Co., Ltd., etc.

Research Interests

Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management

Representative Research Papers

1)Li, K.P, Liu, H.L, Wu, Y. and Xu X.H., A two-dimensional bin-packing problem with conflict penalties, International Journal of Production Research, 52(24), 2014, 7223-7238

2)Chen Q.F, *Li, K.P, and Liu Z.X. Model and algorithm for an unpaired pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with split loads, Transportation Research Part E, 69 (2014) 218-235

3)Li, K.P., Bin Chen, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Yong Wu,An inventory–routing problem with the objective of travel time minimization,European Journal of Operational Research,236 (2014) 936-945.

4)Jin, X.F., Li, K.P* and Sivakumar, A.I Coordination of price and delivery time quotation with production scheduling decisions for a manufacturer, International Journal of Production Economics. 145 (2013) 349–358