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Li, Dan

Associate Professor

Department of Business Management

Research Interests:
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management, Firm-scale Study, etc.
Phone: +86-27-87556456
Email: ldenis@sina.com


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2004

  M.E. (Majored in Electrical Machinery), HUST, 1988.

  B.E. (Majored in Electrical Machinery), HUST, 1982.

  Overseas Visiting and Training


  Courses Taught

  Organizational Behavior, Training & Development, Public Relationship, Specialty Experiment, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  General Manager, Kangsheng Electromechanical Industrial Affiliated Companies of Guangdong Qingyuan City Jianbei Group,1992-1998

  Department Manager, Guangzhou Wanbao Group Engineering Technology Development Co., Ltd., 1988-1992

  Consulting Activities: Wuhan Creassion Electronic Co., Ltd., Guangxi Nanning Tobacco Group Co., etc.

  Research Interests

  Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management, Study on Firm Size, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1)Empirical Research on Firm Scale of Listed Companies in Chinese Textiles Industry. Systems Engineering——Theory & Practice, 2004, Vol.24,No.10,61-67.(with Su S.) (EI) (in Chinese)

  2)Empirical Study on Validity of Virtual Enterprise and Alliance of Firms, China Soft Science, 2004,Vol.158, No.2, 79-85. (with Ke J.) (in Chinese)

  3)Empirical Research on Firm Scale of Listed Companies in Chinese Public Utilities Industry, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2004, Vol.9,No.2, 87-92.(with Su S.)(in Chinese)

  4)MRP-Ⅱ under Internet, Science Research Management,2001, Vol.24,No.1,106-111. (with Gu H. Chen R. & Guo H.) (in Chinese)

  5)A Virtual Enterprise Model under Internet/Intranet,Proceedings of ’99 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Nov.15-18, 1999,231-234 (ISTP, No.8, August,2000. PROC#8854)(with Chen R. Xu Z.)