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Li, Shuncai

Associate Professor

Department of Technological Management and Intellectual Property

Research Interests:
Managament of Technology Innovation, Engineering Economics, Organizational Behaviour, and etc.
Phone: +86-27-87543150
Email: lishuncai@mail.hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2002.

  M.E. (Majored in Philosophy of Science and Technology), HUST, 1993.

  B.E. (Majored in Mechanical Manufacturing), Hefei University of Technology, 1987.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, Tohoku University, Japan, Oct. 2005-Oct. 2006.

  Courses Taught

  Philosophy of Management and Business Ethics, Organizational Behaviour, Engineering Economics, Technological Strategy and Policy, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  Independent Director, Wuhan Xianglong Power Industry Co. Ltd. (2009-)

  Expert evaluating Enterprise Technology Center for Hubei Development and Reform Commission(2007-)

  Manager of Technology, Wuhan Yuanchen Group Co., Ltd., (1993-1996)

  Manager of Technology, The Second Installation Engineering Company of China Machinery Industry(1987-1990)

  Consulting Activities:

  China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, Wuhan Iron and Steel(Group) CORP., China Tobacco Hubei Industrial Co., Ltd., HuBei TriRing Special Purpose Vehicle Co.,Ltd., CSR (China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock ) Yangtze Co., Ltd..

  State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the PR China, Hubei Development and Reform Commission, Hubei Provincial Science & Technology Department, Changjiang Waterway Bureau, Wuhan Bureau of Information Industry, and the Government of Jingzhou District Hubei.

  Research Interests

  Management of Technology Innovation, Engineering Economics, Organizational Behavior, and etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1) LI Shun-cai, LI Wei, NIE Ming. Study on the Source of Differences in Benefits from network embeddedness for Enterprises in Alliance. Science Research Management (accepted) (in Chinese)

  2) LI Wei, NIE Ming, LI Shun-cai. Developmental Organizational Culture, External Knowledge Management Capacity and Benefits from Network Embeddedness. Journal of Management Science, 2010, Vol 23, No.3, 14-22 (in Chinese)

  3) LI Wei, NIE Ming, LI Shun-cai. The impact of entrepreneurship on external knowledge competence and network competence. Studies in Science of Science, 2010,Vol 28, No.5, 763-768 (in Chinese)

  4) LI Wei, NIE Ming, LI Shun-cai. Study of Enterprises’ Organizational Behavioral Attributes Affecting on Technological Alliance Performance. China Soft Science, 2009(7): 124-133 (in Chinese)

  5) LI Shuncai, LI Wei, WANG Sudan. Studies on the Relation among Prior Knowledge, Innovation Cognition & Innovation Capacity of Entrepreneurs—A Theoretical Framework of Entrepreneurial Innovation Behaviors, 2008(5): 174-178 (in Chinese)

  6) LI Shuncai, LI Wei. A Study on the Collaborative Innovation in Alliance Based on the Knowledge Embeddedness Perspective, 2007, Vol.19, No.1: 1-5 (in Chinese)