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Lu, YaoBin


Department of Management Science and Information Management

Research Interests:
Information Management; E-commerce,Social Commerce,Mobile Commerce
Phone: +86-27-87556448
Email: luyb@mail.hust.edu.cn

  Previous academic positions held (with dates)

  2009/01-2009/02: Visiting Professor in Business College, City University of HongKong, HongKong,

  2004/01-2004/10: Visiting scholar in MISRC, Carlson School, University of Minnesota, USA

  2003/09-2004/01: Visiting scholar in Michigan State University, USA

  2000/04-2000/07: Visiting scholar in HEC, Montreal University, Canada

  1998/07-2009/04:Director in the Department of Management Science & Information Management , School of Management, HUST.

  2009/04-Present: Assistant Dean of the School of Management, HUST.

  Present academic positions

  Assistant Dean in the School of Management, HUST.

  Member, Editorial Board of Information and Management, 2009-present

  Teaching experience

  Project Management

  Data, Model and Decision

  Operations Research

  Advanced Operations Research

  Representative Research Papers

1. Aihui Chen,Yaobin Lu*,Patrick Y.K.,Chau, Sumeet Gupta .Classifying, Measuring and Predicting the Overall Active Behavior in Social Network Sites. Journal of Management Information Systems. Forthcoming. 2. Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*,Bin Wang .Examining online consumers; initial trust building from an elaboration likelihood model perspective. Information Systems Frontiers. Forthcoming. 3. Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta,Ling Zhao. What motivates customers to participate in social commerce? The impact of technological environments and virtual customer experiences. Information & Management. Available Online 4. Hong Zhang, Yaobin Lu*,Ping Gao,Zhenxiang Chen. Social shopping communities as an emerging business model of youth entrepreneurship: exploring the effects of website characteristics. International Journal of. Technology Management. Vol. 66, No. 4 (2014) pp. 319 - 345 5. Hong Zhang ,Yaobin Lu*,Sumeet Gupta, Ling Zhao and Aihui Chen. Understanding the antecedents of customer loyalty in the Chinese mobile service industry: a Push–Pull–Mooring framework. International Journal of Mobile communications. Available Online 6. Yuzhi Cao, Yaobin Lu*,Sumeet Gupta and Shuiqing Yang. The effects of differences between e-commerce and m-commerce on the consumers’ usage transfer from online to mobile channel. International Journal of Mobile communications. Available Online. 7. Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang,etc.. Acceptance of government-sponsored agricultural information systems in China: the role of government social power. Information Systems and e-Business Management. Available Online . 8. Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Hong Zhang. Can Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Coexist? An Issue of Telecommunication Service in China. Journal of Information Technology, 2014(29): 237-252 (SSCI, IF: 2.321) 9. Zhao Pan, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta. How heterogeneous community engage newcomers? The effect of community diversity on newcomers’ perception of inclusion:An empirical study in social media service. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014(39) :100–111 (SSCI, IF: 2.239) 10. Jiabao Lin,Bin Wang,Na Wang ,Yaobin Lu. Understanding the evolution of consumer trust in mobile commerce: a longitudinal study. Information Technology & Management (2014) 15:37–49. ( SSCI, IF: 3.025). 11. Chunjie Xiang, Yaobin Lu*, and Sumeet Gupta. Knowledge sharing in information system developmentteams: examining the impact of shared mental model from a social capital theory perspective, Behaviour & Information Technology,32(10): 1024-1040,2013 (SCI/SSCI, IF: 1.011) 12. Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Ling Zhao, What drives content creation behavior in SNS? A commitment perspective. Journal of Business Research, 66 (12) : 2529-2535, 2013. (SSCI, IF: 1.872.) 13. Yang Shuiqing, LuYaobin*, and Gupta, S. An empirical investigation of Mobile Services’ Cross-Category Promotions, International Journal of Mobile communications, 11(6):580-596, 2013 (SSCI, IF: 0.904) 14. Yaobin Lu, Shuiqing Yang*, Patrick Y.K. Chau, Yuzhi Cao. Dynamics between the trust transfer process and intention to use mobile payment services: A cross-environment perspective. Information & Management, 48(8): 393-403, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.214) 15. Zhao Ling, Lu Yaobin*.Enhancing Perceived Interactivity through Network Externalities: An Empirical Study on Micro-Blogging Service Satisfaction and Continuance Intention. Decision Support Systems, vol.53 (4):825-834, 2012. (SCI/SSCI, IF:1.687) 16. Lu Yaobin, Yang shuiqing*, Patrick Y. K. Chau. Why Do Consumers Adopt Online Channel? An Empirical Investigation of Two Channel Extension Mechanisms, Decision Support Systems, 54(2): 858-869, 2013.(SCI/SSCI, IF: 1.687) 17. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Patrick Y. K. Chau. Cultivate the Sense of Belonging and Encourage User Involvement in Virtual Community: A Social Capital Perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 32(6):574-588, 2012.(SSCI, IF: 1.532) 18. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta. Disclosure Intention of Location-Related Information in Location-Based Social NetworkServices, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 16(4):53-89, 2012 (SCI/SSCI, IF: 1.550) 19. Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Effects of Dissatisfaction on Customer Repurchase Decisions in E-commerce&mdash:an Emotion-based Perspective, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 13(3), pp 224-234, 2012,(SSCI, IF: 0.725) 20. Yang shuiqing,Lu Yaobin*, , S. Gupta, Y. Cao. Does context matter? The impact of use context on Mobile Internet Adoption, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 32(6):574-588, 2012 (SSCI, IF: 0.949) 21. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Long Zhang*, Patrick Y.K. Chau. Assessing the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction and the continuance intention of mobile value-added services: An empirical test of a multidimensional model. Decision Support Systems, 52: 645–656, 2012. (SCI/SSCI, IF:1.687) 22. Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Sumeet Gupta, Yuzhi Cao, Rui Zhang. Mobile payment services adoption across time: An empirical study of the effects of behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 (1): 129–142,2012. (SSCI, IF: 2.293) 23. Ling Zhao, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang, Wayne Huang.What makes them happy and curious online? An empirical study on high school students’ Internet use from a self-determination theory perspective. Computers & Education, 56 (2): 346–356, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.621) 24. Yaobin Lu, Yuzhi Cao*, Bin Wang, Shuiqing Yang. A study on factors that affect users’behavioral intention to transfer usage from the offline to the online channel. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1): 355–364, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293). 25. Yaobin Lu, Chunjie Xiang*, Bin Wang, Xiaopeng Wang. What affects information systems development team performance? An exploratory study from the perspective of combined socio-technical theory and coordination theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2): 811–822,2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293) 26. Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. Examining mobile instant messaging user loyalty from the perspectives of network externalities and flow experience. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2): 883–889, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293) 27. Shuiqing Yang, Yaobin Lu*, Ling Zhao, Sumeet Gupta. Empirical investigation of customers’ channel extension behavior: Perceptions shift toward the online channel. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5): 1688–1696, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 2.293) 28. Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu*, Bin Wang , Kwok Kee Wei. The role of inter-channel trust transfer in establishing mobile commerce trust. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(6): 615–625, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 1.472) 29. Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu*. The Effects of Personality Traits on User Acceptance of Mobile Commerce. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 27(6): 545–561, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 0.949) 30. Tao Zhou,Yaobin Lu*. Examining Postadoption Usage of Mobile Services from a Dual Perspective of Enablers and Inhibitors. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 27(12): 1177–1191, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 0.949) 31. Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu*,Bin Wang and Sibin Wu. Initial trust and adoption of mobile brokerage service. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9(2): 124-143, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 0.940) 32. Tao Zhou and Yaobin Lu*. The effect of interactivity on the flow experience of mobile commerce user. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9(3): 225-242, 2011. (SSCI, IF: 0.940) 33. Zhao Ling, Lu Yaobin*, Huang Wayne, Wang Qiuhong. Internet inequality: The relationship between high school students' Internet use in different locations and their Internet self-efficacy. Computers & Education, 55(4): 1405-1423, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 2.621) 34. Lu Yaobin, Zhao Ling*, WangBin. From virtual community members to C2C e-commerce buyers: Trust in virtual communities and its effect on consumers' purchase intention. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(4): 346-360, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 1.472) 35. Lu Yaobin, Deng Zhaohua, Wang Bin. Exploring factors affecting Chineseconsumers' usage of short message service for personal communication. Information Systems Journal, 20(2): 183-208, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 2.067) 36. Deng Zhaohua*, LuYaobin, Wei Kwok Kee, Zhang Jinlong. Understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study of mobile instant messages in China. International Journal of Information Management, 30(4): 289-300, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 1.532) 37. Zhou Tao, LuYaobin*, WangBin, WeiKwok-Kee.Explaining mobile community user participation from a social capital perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(3): 278-296, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 0.904) 38. ZhouTao, LuYaobin*, WangBin. Integrating TTF and UTAUT to explain mobile banking user adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(4): 760-767, 2010. (SSCI,IF:2.293) 39. DengZhaohua, LuYaobin*, WangBin, ZhangJinlong, WeiKwok Kee. An empirical analysis of factors influencing users' adoption and use of mobile services in China. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(5): 561-585, 2010. (SSCI, IF: 0.904) 40. ZhouTao, LuYaobin*, WangBin. The Relative Importance of Website Design Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers' Online Repurchase Behavior. Information Systems Management, 26(4): 327-337, 2009. (SCI, IF: 0.578) 41. LuYaobin*, ZhangLong*, WangBin. A multidimensional and hierarchical model of mobile service quality.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8(5): 228-240, 2009.(SSCI, IF: 1.472) 42. LuYaobin, ZhouTao*, WangBin. Exploring Chinese users' acceptance of instant messaging using the theory of planned behavior, the technology acceptance model, and the flow theory.Computers in Human Behavior, 25(1): 29-39, 2009.(SSCI, IF: 2.293) 43. Zhang Dongfeng*, Zhang Jinlong, LaiKin-Keung, LuYaobin. A novel approach to supplier selection based on vague sets group decision. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(5): 9557-9563, 2009.(SCI/SSCI, IF: 2.203)