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Luo, Guang

Assistant Professor

Department of Public Finance and Management

Research Interests:
My current research interests focus on Taxation theory and practice,economics, Fiscal and Tax policy of China
Email: lg@hust.edu.cn


  2007 Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering

  Thesis: “Research on VAT Evasion Based on A-S Model”

  Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China

  2001 M.S. in Management Science and Engineering

  Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China

  1997 B.S. in Economics and B.S. in Law of Economics

  Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, Business School of University of Washington, United States, Nov. 2010-Dec.2011

  Courses Taught

  Management economics, Macroeconomics, Taxation theory and practice, Taxation Plan, etc.

  Research Interests

  My current research interests focus on Taxation theory and practice,economics, Fiscal and Tax policy of China  


  [1] Guang Luo, Study on Functions of income distribution of Tax system in China, Journal of Taxation Research. 2009(2).

  [2] Tao Wang, Fang Liu, Guang Luo, Enterprise taxation planning, Beijing: science press,2009

  [3] Guang Luo, Research on tax evasion model about Tax Compliance Costs, Journal of Taxation Research. 2007(1).

  [4] Guang Luo, Study on development of soft industry in China and India based on the difference of tax system. Special Zone Economy, 2008(7)

  [5] Guang Luo, Junli Chang, analysis about factors of VAT evasion, HHHHHMarket ModernizationHHHHH, 2007(2)

  [6] Guang Luo, Research on application of mobile database, Computer Science,2007(10)

  [7] Tao Wang, Guang Luo, taxation theory and practice, Beijing: science press,2007

  [8] Guang Luo, Research on theory of corporation evasion, Group Economics Research,2006(11)