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Hu Peng

Assistant Professor

Department of Supply Chain Management

Research Interests:
Production, Inventory and Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, Optimization
Email: hu_peng@hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Operations Research), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2011).

M.E. (Majored in Operations Research & Cybernetics), CAS, 2006

B.E. (Majored in Statistics), Peking University, 2003.

Courses Taught

Quality Management, Stochastic Process, Warehouse Management, etc.

Research Interests

Production, Inventory and Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, Optimization

Representative Research Papers

6) Xin Chen, Peng Hu ( 2012). Joint pricing and inventory management with deterministic demand and costly price adjustment. Operations Research Letters 40 (2012) 385–389.

7) Xin Chen, Peng Hu, Simai He (2013). Preservation of supermodularity in two dimensional parameterized optimization problems. Operations Research, 61(2013) 1166-1173.

8) Xin Chen, Peng Hu, Stephen Shum, Yuhan Zhang (2014). Stochastic inventory model with reference price effects. Submitted to Operations Research (4th round).

9) Peng Hu, Stephen Shum, Man Yu (2014) Joint inventory and markdown management for perishable goods when consumers stockpile. Submitted to Operations Research (3rd round).

10) Xin Chen, Peng Hu, Zhenyu Hu, Efficient Algorithms for Dynamic Pricing Problem with Reference Price Effect. Submitted to Management Science (2nd round).