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Gong, Xiaoguang

Associate Professor

Department of Management Science and Information Management

Research Interests:
Simulation of Management System, Supply Chain, Software Development and Management etc.
Email: gxgjames@126.com


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2004.

  M.E. (Majored in Agricultural Economic), HZAU, 2001.

  B.E. (Majored in Trade and Economic), HZAU, 1998.

  Visiting and Training

  Public Administration Research Course, Xi’an Jiaotong University, July-Aug ,2009.

  Teaching Experiences

  Simulation of Management System, Operations Research, Visual-basic Programming etc.

  Project Experiences

  2007.12-2010.12: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Fund):

  Modeling and simulation of new product diffusion with multi-agent based on complex network theory.(No. 70701014)

  2009.12-2012.12: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Surface Project):

  Emerging calculation of collective action facing the system evolution in emergency environmental.(No.60974076)

  2004.05-2004.12: Overall planning of Information management in Sanxin Mining Co., LTD

  Research Interests

  Simulation of Management System, Supply Chain, Software Development and Management etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1) Gong, Xiaoguang; Xiao, Renbin, Research on Multi-Agent Simulation of Epidemic News Spread Characteristics, JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION, 10 (3): Art. No. 1 JUN 2007(SSCI)

  2) Gong, Xiaoguang; Li, ZhiCheng; Hu, Bin, Qualitative simulation research on individual drive of researches and develops personnel , Management Science of China, 2005, Vol.13, No.2, 124-129

  3) Gong, Xiaoguang; Li, ZhiCheng; Hu, Bin, Process knowledge database based qualitative simulation of behavior stimulation, Journal of System Simulation, 2004.2,Vol.16, No.2, 289 (EI)

  4) Gong, Xiaoguang; Li, ZhiCheng; Hu, Bin, Qualitative simulation of human resources management system method, Industrial Engineering and Management 2004, No.6, P65-69 (EI)

  5) Gong, Xiaoguang; Li, ZhiCheng, Study on multi-agent simulation of new product market diffusion; System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2003.11,Vol.23, No.12, 59. (EI)

  6) Gong, Xiaoguang, Management system continuous simulation and hybrid simulation, Hubei People\'s Press, 2008,9

  7) Gong, Xiaoguang; Xiao, Renbin. The Application of Management Simulation System under the background of supply chain , Electronic Industry Press, 2011,5