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Department of Finance

Research Interests:
Corporate Finance and Business Modeling,Financial Engineering and Risk Management, etc.
Phone: +86-27-87556489
Email: gongpu@mail.hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 1998-2002.

  M.S. (Majored in Applied Mechanics), HUST, 1985-1989.

  B.S. (Majored in Applied Mechanics), HUST, 1978-1982

  Overseas Visiting

  Visiting Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia, Jan. 2004.

  Courses Taught

  Corporate Finance,Investments,Seminar in Finance, Corporate Finance and Business Modeling,Financial Engineering, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  Independent Director, Shandong Qifeng Co., Ltd. 2009-Present

  Consulting Activities: Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Limited,Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., etc.

  Research Interests

  Corporate Finance and Business Modeling,Financial Engineering and Risk Management, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1) He Xubiao., Gong Pu. Measuring the coupled risks: A copula-based CVaR model. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 223, 1066-1080(SSCI)

  2) Gong P., & Gao Y. (2010) Impact of irrational belief on credit derivatives pricing: implication of subprime crisis. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 13(9), 55-67.

  3) Pu Gong, Zhiwei He and Song-Ping Zhu. Pricing convertible bonds based on a multi-stage compound-option model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 366(1): 449-462(SCI)

  4) Pu Gong, Xubiao He, A Risk Hedging Strategy Under the Nonparallel-shift Yield Curve, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2005, 354:450-462(SCI)

  5) Gong Pu and Huang Hui. Research on financing efficiency and its influential factors: Evidence from listed companies in China, Corporate Finance Review, 2008, 12(6): 5-15(ABI)

  6) Pu Gong, Jianling Meng, Valuation of Callable Convertible Bond with Parisian Feature Using Finite Element Method. The Business Review, Cambridge, 2007, 8(1): 319-325(ABI)

  7) Pu Gong, Jianling Meng, Rongbing Huang, The Valuation Method Of Multi-Stage Compound Real Option On Human Capital Value, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences, 2006, (7): 63-72

  8) Pu Gong, Rongbing Huang, Empirical Analysis of Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis s Impacts on Chinese Stock Market——Based on the Interaction between Chinese and American Stock Markets, Management Review, 2009, 21(2):22-32