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【学术通知】西南财经大学现代财务研究所所长、副教授胡宁:Endogenously Uninformed: Evidence from Comment Letters in China

  • 发布日期:2024-05-20
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: Endogenously Uninformed: Evidence from Comment Letters in China

主 讲 人胡   宁,西南财经大学现代财务研究所所长、副教授

主 持 人: 钟宇翔,会计与财税系讲师




胡宁,2019年毕业于上海财经大学,2020年晋升副教授(破格),2023年获长期教职并遴选为博士生导师(破格),主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目各一项,现担任西南财经大学现代财务研究所所长,光华会计拔尖人才、国家自然科学基金项目同行评议专家,审计署中国政府审计研究中心研究员,西南财经大学审计监察与风险防控研究中心学术专家。在人民日报出版社出版专著《选择性监管及其经济后果研究——基于沪深交易所年报问询函的证据》,以第一作者或通讯作者在《Journal of Accounting and Public Policy》、《Journal of Business Finance and Accounting》、《Accounting Horizions》、《Energy Economics》、《International Review of Financial Analysis》、《Regulation & Governance》、《Corporate Governance: An International Review》、《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》、《会计研究》、《南开管理评论》等期刊发表论文数篇。


Using a unique setting in China’s stock market for comment letters, we provide causal evidence on how public information affects private information collection and price efficiency. We find that comment letters significantly reduce investors’ information collection activities and stock price informativeness. Consistent with investors’ rational inattention and comment letters interpreted as noisy bad news, investors, especially new investors, shy away from letter-receiving stocks subject to short-sale constraints and if the letters indicate severe problems. The effects are muted in periods when comment letters are undisclosed, suggesting a causal interpretation of our findings.


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