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【学术通知】香港理工大学商学院助理教授黄文诺:The Bot that Judges You: Unveiling Applicants' Adaptation and Implications in AI-Driven Evaluations

  • 发布日期:2023-11-17
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: The Bot that Judges You: Unveiling Applicants' Adaptation and Implications in AI-Driven Evaluations

主 讲 人: 黄文诺 Man-Nok Wong,香港理工大学商学院助理教授

主 持 人: 白芸,人力资源与组织科学系讲师




黄文诺(Man-Nok Wong)博士,香港理工大学商学院管理与市场学系助理教授。主要研究领域包括人际过程,领导力以及薪酬沟通。在国际一流期刊如《Academy of Management Journal》《Journal of Applied Psychology》《Organizational Research Methods》等发表论文数篇,并被Harvard Business Review,The New York Times, Daily Mail (UK) 和 Business Insider等报道。他同时是网站shiny app SRM_R for social relations analyses 的作者。他为初创企业到财富500强企业等各种组织提供培训和咨询服务。


In this research, we theorize that the use of AI agents for evaluation in asynchronous video interviews (AVIs) can trigger adaptive responses in applicants, potentially undermining the intended purpose of AI integration. We conducted two experimental studies using cutting-edge generative AI technologies (GPT-4) to explore how applicants adapt to these AI agents during and after the AVI. We argue that while the implementation of AI agents aims to enhance accuracy and cost-efficiency in candidate selection processes, it may inadvertently distort the representation of applicants' skills and personalities, thus deceiving the AI systems in place. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of our findings and propose potential avenues for further theoretical exploration.


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