演讲主题: Political Connection,CEO Gender and Firm Performance
主 讲 人: 邹甘娜,武汉大学财政学博士生
主 持 人: 钱宁宇,财政金融管理系副教授
活动时间: 2021年4月7日(周三)15:00-16:30
活动地址: 管理大楼121室
邹甘娜,武汉大学财政学博士生。研究领域为宏观经济理论与应用、财政与税收政策、公司金融等。在Journal of Corporate Finance, Applied Mathematical Letters,财贸经济,中国社会科学文摘,经济学动态,税务研究,宏观经济研究等期刊发表论文8余篇。
The political connection of a CEO is one determinant of firm performance. Shocks to the CEO’s political connection can create fluctuations in firm performance. However, the underlying economic mechanisms between the CEO gender gaps in firm performance and CEO’s political connections are not well understood. Using the political leadership transition in 2012 in China as an exogenous shock, we find that the CEO gender gap in firm performance is diminished in response to the more destruction of female CEOs’political connections. We control the firm characteristics by the propensity score matching method, suggesting the change of the political connection is the main reason for the narrowing of the CEO gender gap in firm performance.