喻园管理论坛 2020年第7期(总第624期)
演讲主题: Do Proxy Advisors Act beyond Their Information Intermediary Role? Evidence from Say-on-Pay Vote Schedules
主 讲 人: 吴 涵,巴黎高等商学院助理教授
主 持 人: 黄 坤,会计系讲师
活动时间: 2020年6月29日(周一)15:30-18:00
会议 ID:637 952 609,会议密码:200622
Han WU received his Ph.D. in Accounting and Master in Operational Research at the Norwegian School of Economics. He spent a year as a visiting scholar in University of California at Berkeley. His research is on empirical financial accounting, corporate governance, and corporate finance. His current research interests include governance of large shareholders, informed trading, the role of media, and earnings management. He teaches financial accounting and financial statement analysis.